ISO 20400 for Sustainable Procurement A framework for better global citizens

The ISO 20400 standard for sustainable procurement is beneficial to today’s manufacturers as it will help you improve your sustainability, environmental impact, ethical behavior, and social responsibility. We introduce the standard with a summary of its key points here…

What is the EU Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation

The European Union is getting serious about sustainability and is already working towards ‘becoming a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use.’ … Continue reading

How To Get the Cradle To Cradle Certification for Your New Product

If you’ve already read our two earlier posts: Minimizing a Product’s ‘Cradle to Grave’ Environmental Impact and Designing New Products With A Cradle To Cradle Cycle In Mind, no doubt you have seen some of the benefits of making more … Continue reading

Designing New Products with their 'Cradle to Cradle' Cycle in Mind

As we described in Minimizing A Product’s ‘Cradle To Grave’ Environmental Impact, businesses have been under pressure to be more efficient in making and distributing their products and to make recycling easier. And we also mentioned that the whole concept … Continue reading