New to importing from China or Vietnam?
This FREE eBook from Sofeast’s QA team led by our CEO Renaud Anjoran shows how a buyer’s decisions impact quality from the very beginning of a sourcing project and how to implement solid quality assurance in China or Vietnam.
Learn Sofeast’s proven Quality Assurance strategy.
We’ll cover in detail the five ‘foundations’ that make up a solid quality assurance strategy when outsourcing production to China or Vietnam:
- Finding Suitable Suppliers
- Defining your Requirements before Production Starts
- Don’t Skip the New Product Introduction Process
- Regular Quality Inspections (Trust but Verify)
- Tying Payments to Quality Approvals
Importantly, you’ll also discover the potential pitfalls commonly encountered at each stage and how to overcome them so you don’t fall into the same trap!
Ready to get improve your understanding of quality assurance when outsourcing to China & Vietnam?
After reading this eBook you’ll know what a robust and effective quality assurance strategy for importers looks like, and how to avoid common overseas sourcing traps and mistakes made with quality assurance in China or Vietnam which all add up to negatively affect your quality, bottom-line, and delivery.
Get it now! Just fill the form on this page and hit “get my eBook” to go to the next page where you can download it.

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