The Sofeast QA department works to create and use your QC checklist to perform product inspections in a logical way, and our IT platform helps support this.
Keep reading, or hit the links below to jump to each section:
1) Define the product checklist
2) Communicate the checklist and get it approved
3) Use the checklist for product inspections
4) Keep that checklist updated
1. Define the product checklist
Before the start of production (and before QC inspections), it is good to document a checklist. Here’s the process we use in our IT platform:
Create a job in the system to define the QC checklist
👉 Note: We can help you create a solid checklist.
For a relatively simple product, we charge 99 USD per product (we will review your request and contact you to advise the best approach for your unique situation).
Define the list of checkpoints
(can be uploaded in Excel and then managed in the platform)
Define the list of potential defects
(can be uploaded in Excel and then managed in the platform)
Shoot & upload photos of the product, packaging, labelling, etc…
Note: this can be done by one of our QA technicians or a project manager if we have a sample in our hands.
Generate the checklist in pdf format
2. Communicate the checklist and get it approved
The platform helps you to see and approve the checklist quickly:
The QC checklist can be sent to the supplier for confirmation
Potential defects an inspector may find are also displayed for your reference and approval:
Important: if you want this “digitized checklist” approach, make sure to let our staff know about it. Some clients request it in a Word document, as they want to keep editing it themselves over time in a format they are more comfortable with, so we don’t assume all clients want the “all-digital” approach.
3. Use the checklist for product inspections
Here’s how we use the QC checklist in our IT system to book, perform, and feed back on product inspections:
A booking for an inspection is created, and the whole product information (including the checklist) is attached to that booking.
A field technician sees the checkpoints on her tablet and inputs her findings (comments, photos, videos…) into the platform. Then, an office technician does a review.
The final report is sent to you in pdf format with all the details, comments, and photos. The client can accept/refuse the inspection, with an email sent to the supplier to inform them of the decision.
4. Keep the checklist updated
Here’s how we keep your checklist updated over time:
The checklist can be edited and saved repeatedly over time.
The platform keeps the history of the checklist and attached files from each separate inspection, not just the latest version. That’s important for traceability.
Your next steps...
We can help you to create your own product QC checklist. Hit the button to get help: