To Audit, Or Not To Audit?
Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that purchasers roll the dice. They should try to visit the factories before placing orders. It is always good to see what equipment the factory will use, and what kind of products they are manufacturing.
My point is that formal factory audits will always show that small workshops are very disorganized. It is often impossible to choose between 2 small factories based on audit reports.
As I wrote before on, large factories tend to pass such audits more easily than small manufacturers. There are mainly two reasons for this:
- First, their growth has forced them to move away from the “family business” model and to hire professional managers.
- Second, they often work with large buyers that encourage them to reorganize according to the ISO9001 standard… Upon which are based most factory audit checklists. No wonder they get better evaluations!
In other words: there is no need to look for holes in the quality system when there is no system in place.
What buyers should be looking for when evaluating a smaller factory
So, what should buyers look at, when they evaluate a small factory if not doing a factory audit? The personality and the motivation of the boss and his managers (often his wife or his cousin).
Because the frequency of quality issues and timing delays depends directly on their involvement.
The bottom line is: visit small manufacturers to “feel” them and audit the big ones to “analyze” them.
Do you agree?
UPDATE: a reader of the blog over on sent me this message, and he’s got an excellent point:
“When dealing with smaller factories, I’ve often found it quite valuable to visit their key subcontractors, as well. I then spend more time evaluating these subcontractors. The reason being is that what the big boys can do “in house” vis-a-vis capital-intensive equipment and machinery, smaller players need to outsource. The smaller players, thus, often become assemblers/packers of the product – one step further down the supply chain.”
Editor’s note: This post originally appeared here on in July 2011. It has been updated and modified for Sofeast readers.
Get help to audit your supplier’s factory in Asia
Sofeast provides factory auditing solutions which are ideal for buyers who are concerned that their suppliers won’t be able to reach their expectations.
Here’s an overview of the factory audits that we typically provide and their components:
Initial factory evaluation (IFE)
Quality system audit (QSA)
Blended systems audit (BSA)
Social compliance audit (SCA)
Unsure which to choose? No worries – contact us to discuss your situation confidentiality with no sales pressure whatsoever.