What is DFQ?

Design for Quality (DFQ) is a set of principles that encompass a multi-faceted approach to product design that ensures a product will delight the customer, last long and work reliably in service. Quality is not determined by the cost of a product, it is determined by customer experience, therefore a product must be designed and produced to ensure customers are happy with the lifespan of the product.


The Design for Quality Process

Design for Quality must have a set of objectives that are measurable or quantifiable such as dimensions on components, fit, form & function of sub-assemblies and critical to quality (CTQ) parameters. The DFQ process utilizes other design tools that are used to guide the product design stage such as Design for Manufacturing (DFM), Critical to Quality (CTQ), Design to Cost (DTC), and Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA).

Its objectives are split into two, assembly and performance, under which all the other objects are organized.

Some of the basic principles behind DFQ are:

  • Understand past issues and learn for mistakes
  • Identify issues as early as possible and ensure they are ‘designed out’ of the product
  • Use error-proof design techniques
  • Simplify the design, one piece is better than two
  • Have robust tolerance understanding for each part
  • Standardize parts where possible
  • Use the design tools, some of which are mentioned above
  • Have a multi-functional team driving the process

The success of a product is determined by its quality, not how much it costs!

Design for quality is one of the important elements we discuss in The New Product Introduction Process Guide for Hardware Startups.

You should also watch this video about DFQ:

what is design for quality?

You can also learn much more about Design For Quality in this episode of our podcast where we discuss why it is important, the DFQ review process, why product design changes at an early stage in the development process are far less costly and much more:

About Adrian Leighton

Adrian is the Sofeast group's experienced marketer and has worked in manufacturing for around a decade. He has a particular interest in new product development and sharing important manufacturing news from China.If you've read, watched, or listened to some Sofeast content, Adrian has probably had a hand in it!
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