When you’re designing your new product you need to find a way to work out what is and is not realistically feasible. Industrial designers are often concerned that their products are manufacturable, and so they choose to work together with manufacturing experts who will suggest what is more or less difficult or expensive when it comes to product design in a ‘DFM review.’

Our product engineering team provide you with such a DFM review, which will hopefully allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises such as expensive and lengthy product redesigns or products being shipped which have problems or defects that could have been found and fixed at the design stage.

Working with us on a DFM review provides you with the following benefits:

  • Some parameters are checked with suppliers to ensure they are valid, like wood CNC tolerances for example
  • A DFM’s key goals are to reduce risks and problems during production, resulting in better quality, cheaper production, and easier assembly for your products
  • We meet you to review our results, offering explanations and possible actions
Category: Product Engineering Solutions

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About Adrian Leighton

Adrian is the Sofeast group's experienced marketer and has worked in manufacturing for around a decade. He has a particular interest in new product development and sharing important manufacturing news from China.If you've read, watched, or listened to some Sofeast content, Adrian has probably had a hand in it!
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